Shimei Bay Travel Guide

Located on the southeast coast of Hainan Island, Shimei Bay is a tropical haven and one of China’s best kept secrets. This stunning scene painted by virgin nature is a rare and precious treasure.

Two perfect arcs of powdery sand stretch around the coastline as the sparkling water of the South China Sea laps the shore. The backdrop of verdant mountains and thick forest add depth to the picture, and provide a home for some unique inhabitants.

Members of the Li Minority Group reside in this area, with primitive homes dotted around the hillside. Also a rare species of tree native to Hainan Island is rooted in the fertile soil of Shimei Bay. More than 100 hectares of the tree grow in the area and some trees are thought to be more than 4,000 years old.

Hainan Island is developing at a fast and furious rate but fortunately Shimei Bay has managed to retain its natural charm. There is one large hotel in the area, and rumors of further development plans cloud the horizon.

Visitors can participate in activities such as fishing trips, golf and snorkeling organised by the hotel. However, relaxing on the sand of this remote paradise is the most enjoyable way to wile away the hours.

Getting There & Away

Daily flights from Beijing to Sanya Phoenix Airport take 4 hours, and there is a 1-hour flight from Hong Kong. From the airport, Shimmei Bay is a 1 hour, 30 minute drive.